>.< Ya I showing this picture ...where is it ? which department ?? Yes !!! This is OT department ... I hope I can become a staff nurse in this department ... I really hope that ... because this is more suit for me compare to other department except ED .... I like ED too ...
I feel in OT really can learn more ...I really respect the staff nurse there and ward sister ...they are really professional and pro in medical field .... I realize working this area really can learn a lot ... always can top up new knowledge ...only the instruments ...got thousand and million instrument for the staff to remember ... I just a student so is not require to memorize all the instruments ... but the medicine and suture I had search it for my learning purposes....
In OT really cannot play a fool ...really need to be serious ...eventhough just a simple procedure example , help staffs or doctor tying gown ...also need maintain technique aceptic .... but in student life no chance for me to scrub in which means wear a sterile gown and gloves to assist doctor ...this is a sad case for me .... Only thing I can do is just tying gown ...Moreover next week I no chance because I will start follow anaesthetic my changes for me to assits case is 0% T.T ....
Now I want to express out my own feeling .... OK I know myself is not a top student and no qualified to comment about others ...BUT ... I really can't stand it anymore .... why some of the people ....if they weak in studies or procedure why can't they go learn more or study more...why they like to asking people ??? and I just a student I can't always tell u the exact answer ... and i will feel IRRITATING !!! always ask and ask ..if I said I don't know or SEE by yourself.... then they will said i selfish .......why can't you just flick the book and READ it up ??? and nowadays internet is so convinient , just type whatever u want to search ...a thousand million words is coming out .....